Freitag, 29. August 2008

Fun: kann man so blöd sein?

Ohne weiteres bla direkt zum Spaß :P

fail owned pwned pictures
Wer keine Lust hat die kleine Schrift zu lesen
I was watching inconvenient truth the other day and theres the bit where it shows the sea level rising really high and flooding most of the world. Well i live near the sea, and don’t want to drown, so i got to thinking. Maybe if we lower the sea level a bit, when the water level rises then it won’t rise high enough to flood.

Anyway, heres the plan. Everyone who can should take a bucket of sea water and pour it down the sink. If lots of people put the effort in, we could lower the sea level substantially and create a better world for our children to live

fail owned pwned pictures

Außerdem höre ich gerade Hot Action Cop - Dirtbike. Darin macht sich die Band über eben jene Dirtbike Fahrer lustig.

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